Poetry is a mixture of words or phrases that make up a sort of story. They don't have to rhyme but a lot of poems do. I wrote one yesterday and I also wrote one on July 20th; way before I started blogging.
I'm going to type both poems; the July 20th one is first. Here they are:
A Poet's Sensation
I'm in the mood.
I can feel it.
Fighting past my insides.
Screaming to get out.
My stomach is flipping.
A sensation is coming.
My head is a whirl of thoughts and activity.
My sensation is here.
Something is born,
And I am the one to witmess it.
Poetry is like a child.
It must be created,
When it's ready.
-Hannah Cowart
Age:11 years
July 20th, 2006
And the next one is a poem that my teacher told us to write. In school yesterday we read a poem called WHATIF and our assignment was to write a poem similar to that. We were aloud to use some of the author's lines, but I took no such cheap short-cut. I wrote my own original poem and here it is:
The Worries
While I rode the bus today,
Some worries just dropped in to say,
"Hello how are you this fine June?
But what if it rains this afternoon?"
"I know you planned to go to the park,
And watch the fireflies fly and spark
And have a picnic there I see
But listen, listen, listen to me!"
"Worries, worries drop in and shout:
Don't you wish to keep us out?
Well you can't and why you ask?
To keep you worried is our task!"
"What if hail comes down and hits
So hard it smashes you to bits!
What if the pitbull comes and bites?
What if the movie gives you some frights?"
"Oh and wouldn't you be scared so bad?
If chicken-pox is what you had?
So itchy-itchy scratchy ow!
Look at the spots; wow, wow, wow!"
"That's all the time I have today
That's all that I have time to say.
So worry on my little friend.
I'm positive we'll meet again!"
Now if you were wondering about my picture and why my face (if you haven't already noticed) is painted I have the answer to your question. It's because today at school (since this week is Drug Free Week and Mon.= Jersey Day to team up on Drugs; Tues.= Twin Day, I don't know what it stood for; Wed.= Wacky Day; Thurs.= Inside Out Day) was School Spirit Day so I dressed up. The End. :)
Well now I must retire from my typing. It has been my pleasure to entertain you w/ my poetry. Farewell for now!
Hannah Cowart