Greetings from south Texas! It's a gorgeous 80-something degree day here. My favorite thing to do right now is ride my bike around my neighborhood and breathe in the scent of freshly-cut grass and look at all the flowers blooming in people's yards. Hannah and I will buy some plants this weekend and make our humble contribution to "spring fever" lawncare.
Above, you see the logo I created for WIM's international conference in August, in Kerrville, Texas. We've been working feverishly all week to get over 4,000 letters and brochures mailed out for this conference. I'm so proud of my brochure! It's the best I've ever done. It's nice to know my skills are improving, especially when I recall sitting in graphic design class 10 years ago, thinking, "I'll never do graphic design for a living." Never say never! :)
Below, you see the most darling cherub in the world, my nephew, Eli. He is about a year and a half old. I took these pictures of him on Easter Sunday at his house in Lake Park, Georgia. We'd gone to church and had lunch at Mom and Dad's house and spent about two hours with my cousins before leaving to go be with Chris's family for the afternoon. Big Mama's party had been the night before, and I'd gone to bed a little after 1:00AM.

There are hundreds of photos I could post from our celebration of Big Mama's 90th birthday, but these of Eli were my favorite. He's so difficult to photograph, too! He never sits still.

Here's one shot of Big Mama sitting with Mrs. Geraldine, my uncle Wayne's mother. They were watching 13 great-grandchildren hunt Easter eggs and not paying attention to me at all. I think it's the best photo I've ever seen of my grandmother!
I'm reading A.W. Tozer's "Knowledge of the Holy," which is his book on the attributes of God. A very weighty book! And it's not even 200 pages. Of course, it doesn't cover ALL the attributes, but it's still great material to meditate on and I feel it has already changed the way I pray.
I'd write more but I'm so far behind on work and it's 20 minutes before I leave to get Hannah from school. It's been a hard week, but it got better, and today and yesterday were great! I love my job!!
Have a good weekend. RLC