It was a Saturday afternoon in August, the day before we left for the WIM International Conference. Hannah had plotted and planned a surprise engagement party for me and Lanier. A good number of our friends waited at my house and totally shocked me!

So, that's the news around here in this neck of the woods! We set the date for December 28 which was the soonest we could get this show on the road. It'll be in Valdosta so the bulk of our friends and family can attend.
I've waited a while to post anything because we've been SO busy, but things are really going well. All the Halls' children were here with their families: Jonathon and Lisa with their three, Krissy and Ben with baby Sara (and one on the way!), Jessica and Alcoe with their daughter and Bess and Jacob. B & J have just moved here with their two-year-old daughter, Sophia.
We hung out with them every day and Hannah, for the first time in her life, was ROLLING in first cousins! Jade and Eve, age 5, were already looking up to their "big cousin." Both girls solemnly pledged to be my flower girls in December.
I'll try and post more pictures and stories from the past few weeks soon. Hannah starts 7th grade next Monday at Canyon Middle. She's enrolled in Algebra, Pre-AP English, Texas History, Art, Science, and Spanish! And I've got to get her enrolled in dance next Saturday. I think she'll do Hip-Hop again.

Here's a final picture of our Happy Future Family. Lanier y las mujeres! Lanier and his girls.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and are part of our lives here in Texas and in Georgia. We love you all! -Rachael