The Big 8-0

Tuesday is Grandmother Lee's 80th birthday. I had no idea she was turning 80! I just knew it was her birthday. Aunt Pam fixed a birthday lunch for her on Sunday after church so Hannah and I flew down ASAP to celebrate with the family.

Since the planets have to align in order for me to be at Pam's while Bonnie AND Elizabeth are BOTH there, I made sure to bring my camera. Here are Grandmother's great-grandchildren: Dylan, Zara, Hannah, Marley and Zena.

Zena is quite the fashion model. She's 7 years old, and always wonders why she doesn't see Hannah more often. Isn't that hilarious. These girls are so sweet, and just plain friendly.

Marley is the baby, and I'd never met her before. She's almost two. Initially she wanted nothing to do with us, but by the end of our time, she was letting me hold her and play with her. What a cupcake! I wanted to steal her.

Dylan is 4 or 5; I'm not sure. Being a boy, the ONLY boy, he played by himself mostly, quite content to not be in any photos. But he graciously held still for about a nanosecond for this photo.

The rest of these are just images I managed to capture as we rested from all the food and cake and presents. It's so nice to have real family out here in Texas.

Hopefully I'll see these cutie pies again before 2011. Happy Birthday, Grandmother!