Friday, April 16, 2010

Almond Macaroon Torte

So Smitten Kitchen had this recipe several days ago (before Easter). I was intrigued, and though I felt it was very ambitious, I wanted to try it. I'm so sick of Clark making delicious things with ground up almonds (in my mind: ground almonds=grown up, hard-to-make dish) that I thought I'll finally one-up him.

This is my second attempt. The first was last Sunday. Tami was coming over to watch "Elizabethtown" with me (I'd never seen it) and I thought I'd impress the heck out of her.

Well it was, in a word, a disaster. The layers stuck to the wax paper and the chocolate icing was like concrete. We ate it anyway, picking out bits of paper from our teeth.

I read all 200 comments on Smitten's post and discovered some ladies used silicon rubber baking mats instead of paper. I bought some and tried again. I also used Mom's never fail icing recipe. Melt a small bag (12oz) semi-sweet chocolate chips and stir in 8oz. sour cream. I added a tsp of almond extract. It was awesome.

The layers STILL stuck to the rubber mats, but next time (if there IS a next time) I'll spray them with oil first.

I'm waiting for our Friday night small group to come over in 45 minutes, ooh and aah over our new house, and then devour this torte. I hope they like it. I'm sure they will.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Laura and Travis

We have our first response to our Craigslist ad! Laura and Travis just got engaged. Laura found us on Craigslist and we did their engagement photos for them (well, half a session. Cheri will do the other half later in San Antonio).


These guys are fun. They met at Purdue where they were both in school and have known each other a year. Travis took her back to one of their favorite spots to propose.

I love this sequence!!


There's no date set yet, but hopefully we'll see more of this couple. They are really in love and seem to be really fun. I enjoyed getting to know them.


Congratulations, Laura and Travis!


Friday, April 02, 2010

The Wilson Family

Yes, two posts in one day! I'm playing catch up.This morning I met up with Jeremy and Jennifer Wilson to photography their four kids. This was a fun time because I did their Easter portraits exactly a year ago when Charlotte was pretty new. Here's little Charlie all by herself--a sneak peek at what we got. I'll post more later.


Happy Easter, everyone!
Pocketful of Poseys

Greetings from south Texas! This weekend I have four portrait sessions in the bluebonnets. Yow! As if I wasn't busy enough, I scheduled them all the week of moving into our new house. Yes. I am a glutton for pain.

Anyway, sweet Esther Posey and her girls, Evelyn and Lily had a session earlier this week. Here are some of their images...



Happy Easter, everyone!

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