In the beginning I was deathly afraid of everything. In my mind questions were running through my head just waiting to be answered. "How will I find my classes in this huge school? What if my teachers don't like me? How can I possibly do the mountains of homework that they'll assign me? (gasp wildly) What if I can't find anyone to sit with at lunch?! Ahhhhh!!!!!" But I didn't have anything to worry about. I sat with my friends at lunch, loved my teachers, and didn't get any homework at the end of the day.
The second day was a little tougher. I had left my schedule at home so now I couldn't find my way around as easily (yesterday being an A day with 2 classes, today being a B day with 2 other classes).
But in the last class (5th period; Choir) Mr. Vader ("vah-der") didn't have me on the list, so I ran all the way from the Band hall to the Counselor's office (a LONG ways away) so that I could see if I was on the Choir list. I was, so I continued in that class.

Middle School is a new and exciting adventure just waiting for me to discover it. And I feel great about this year. GO 6TH GRADE!!!!
what does YSIC mean? Man, I must be behind the times on internet lingo
meema said.....
You Go Girl !
I am so proud of you.
The way she writes, she sounds like she's in college instead of 6th grade!!!
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