A Camper's Life for Me! Continued

I can't wait to hear all about it when we pick her up this Saturday. It's been a pretty quiet week without her. Mom, can you see that she's wearing the shorts you gave me for Christmas? They fit Hannah better they fit me.
Yesterday I kept four-year-old Sydni and her little sister, Izzy who is one. We went straight to Sophie's house, where Sophie was already wearing her swimsuit, waiting for her friend to arrive. Sydni ran in the house without ceremony (I had to call her back to greet Ms. Mary Nell) and said, "I need to put on my suit!" She and Sophie had a ball. Bess was babysitting little Evelyn so her parents could go out on a date, so between the two of us, Bess and I had a four-year-old, a three-year-old and two one-year-olds playing in the back yard. We fed them organic mac 'n cheese and gave them all a bath later. It was hilarious, seeing two little naked girls running through the house, screaming happily on the way to the bathroom. Evelyn came toddling along behind, naked as well. I told Mary Nell it all makes me want to double on up my birth control. I was exhausted! I meant to bring my camera to get photos, but alas, between the baby, Sydni, a diaper bag, a purse and bag of groceries, I totally forgot. Maybe next time.
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