
As promised, here are the photos of my new painting, "St. Augustine Souvenirs" and older stuff I have hanging at Starbucks. I grabbed Bess for a quick photo at the pick up station. She's a barista.

Here's the one I'm working on right now. It was a garage sale find that Julie thought she'd paint over but never got around to it and bequeathed to me. I covered it and started doing an abstract idea.

Anyway, that's what's going on artwise.
Lanier and I went to John and Camille's last night for our cell group meeting. It used to be a group for young married couples specifically about marriage, but then we took off during the summer and now it's picking back up. J & C aren't sure what the theme will be, if any, so last night the 4 of us plus Jake and Bess and James and Kristin hung out and just played guitars and sang. John has two guitars plus a mandolin, and Lanier grabbed the mandolin immediately. He wants one now, of course. But I think it's a lovely instrument and wish he had one. Anybody got one sitting in an attic somewhere??????
I made pumpkin bread this morning. Gosh it is SO yummy!! And Mom, I used applesauce, whole wheat flour, flax seed and raw sugar instead of refined so it's ALMOST healthy.
We have my car back now so Hannah and I are really enjoying having A/C and MUSIC! I've been blasting David Crowder for two days. Hallelujah. How do people live without music? I really missed NPR, too.

Have a great day!
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