Hi all! Well the long awaited, much anticipated Art on the Loop event was this past Friday night from 6:00 to 11:00pm. Wow!! It was a HUGE success! We had at least 100 people attend (I could've kicked myself for not figuring out a way to count attendance) but we might have had closer to 150 at one point.
These are just a FEW of the images I took that night. There were LOTS of cameras! All of the artists were so excited and thankful for the opportunity to be in a show for free! And there was no cost to the public either! Everything was free. Even the musicians played for free. Our good friend, Aaron Blanco of
BROWN COFFEE CO donated coffee and had whole bean bags for sale.

Above you see Mikie Farias running sound. He and I basically put this thing together and promoted it around the town. I designed and printed about 100 posters and we plastered them everywhere, even Texas State in San Marcos!

This is Lindsey Hasbrouck and Hannah Rushing singing. They are amazing! Their harmony is so pure and sweet. They play often at Two Rivers Coffee so if you're in New Braunfels, you should definitely check them out!

Here is lovely and talented Stacy with her work. Stacy's a Vineyard member, but we had about six different churches participating in this event, even Holy Family! Below, you see Scarlette with her work.

I heard the day of the show that Maximus had prepared some paintings as well! I couldn't wait to see his work!! Here he is with his art at his very first art exhibit. He elected to do a series on "Transformers" and depicted are (L-R, clockwise) "Bumblebee," "Megatron" and "Optimus Prime." His fourth painting (bottom) was a scene of his "Aunt Steffy" getting married (which will actually happen in January).

Here you see Hannah busy selling her hand-stamped notecards. She racked up, even taking home custom orders.

My darling husband, running sound for the latter half of the exhibit. Mikie really needed backup so he could move around and mingle, announcing bands and also overseeing his own art work for sale! (Incidentally, those are my paintings in the background.)

Jona sang songs he'd written himself and also played keyboard later for his roommate, Matt Drake. All bias aside, we really had some top quality musicians and artists. You can hear Jona's songs at
Here's Aaron with our pastor from River City Vineyard Church, Scott Tjernagel, and my bro-in-law, Jake. We had a huge turnout from the Vineyard crowd! They love music and they love free coffee! Especially Brown coffee!

My favorite feature of the night was the fact that several of us artists got to announce the different musicians. Here's Sarah Joy, introducing Chachi Diaz, a gifted singer/writer. Chachi's music is also on myspace:
I didn't get many crowd shots but here's one. It doesn't fully show how many people were there but it's a good shot of the place.
The artists and musicians were so enthusiastic--they can't wait for the next show! I was so exhausted Saturday morning (we got out of there by 10:45pm that night) from breaking down and returning all the stuff I'd borrowed (I'm picking up my artwork today, Monday) that I'm happy to wait a couple of months to do it again.
It was our first try, and based on how well it went, Mikie and I would plan to do more in the future. The trick is, Mikie's a snow board instructor in Beaver Creek, CO, half the year, so I have to find a new committee! But I had several offers of help that night.

Thanks everybody, who exhibited art, who played music, who helped set up and break down, who put up posters and spread the word, and ESPECIALLY thank you to Brian and Sally Leifeste, pastor of Northpoint Church, for opening your doors to the community and allowing us to host this show FOR FREE! God bless you!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. We'll be in Georgia with my family and then spend a (hopefully) quiet Christmas here in Texas. Our first Christmas as a new family!
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