Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Update

It seems easiest to write on Mondays about what we did on the weekend.
So, above, you see Hannah sportin' her new haircut! She'd been pining to get it "whacked off" and I waited until I felt she really did want to go through with it. Her hair was so lovely and long...oh well! Corrie did a great job.

Below are portraits I took of Jeremy and Jennifer Wilson's four kids (in birth order) Calvin, Samantha, Margaret and Charlotte.

Sweet Sammie, always eager to pose for a pretty photo.

Calvin, exactly as he is in real life. I love the half smirk, half smile. But truly he was very gracious during the whole shoot.

All four! These were the best behaved children I've ever photographed. The planets had aligned!

But of course, I got some good candids as well.

Sammie loves holding her new sister, Charlotte.

Having just had breakfast, Charlotte didn't mind being posed on a fluffy pink blanket.

Well, not too much.

Margaret stole the show! I took more pictures of her than anyone else! What a ham!

The bigger kids were making faces at her, and she answered right back.

We had a pretty nice weekend, not nearly as stressed as others have been. Allie and Carson were married on Saturday evening and after it had POURED rain all day Friday, I was relieved to see the sun come out in time for good wedding pictures. It was a sweet ceremony and I don't think I've ever seen a happier-looking man than Carson Baker.

I'm getting the yard under control after a couple of weekends of heavy rain. No grass, but the weeds are thriving. I discovered that those pink flowers which bloom wild are a treat for hummingbirds, so I made sure to mow around them. My strawberry plants are doing well but my experiment with planting seeds to grow our own food was pretty much a flop. I've got one pathetic cilantro plant that looks like it'll make it and one lettuce, but that's all.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Alice In Wonderland and SHINE

Happy Easter, everyone! Here's a brief update on the weekend before last, the weekend of "Alice In Wonderland" and the SHINE Conference. Above, you see me and my good friend Eunice Bez, along with Christy Guenther (far left), the main speaker, and Tiffany Mayne (far right), the organizer and creator of The SHINE Initiative.

I'm not sure how many girls came, but Friday seemed to be around 500 and Saturday hovered around 400. The girls had a GREAT time! Hannah is in the picture above in the green shirt, center. Lindsey Kane lead worship all day Saturday and it was nice to see so many girls eager to run down front and dance.

Here's a shot of Christy giving one of her messages. Her theme was "Hello, My Name Is...". She talked about identity and who we are in Christ. Christy and her husband pastor River Stone Community Church in San Marcos, TX. They have three adorable kids. Christy was a great speaker and fun to meet! You can find out more about her ministry through her website.

Also that weekend was the first three shows for "Alice In Wonderland"! I was unable to make the show but gave my tickets to Bess. Mary Nell took Sophie and had a good time. Above you can see the mushroom which finally came together. I spray painted the white sheet and Amy Buck stapled it over donated beanbags which rested on a wooden spool painted purple. Very creative teamwork!

Below is Alice's house, which I had lots of fun painting!

And here are those butterflies again, soaring high above the stage! I think they were a huge hit. I liked how the lighting created so many shadows of butterflies on the wall. An unexpected effect!

I'll post again soon with photos from this past Easter weekend. We had a lovely weekend and hope you did, too!

Monday, April 06, 2009

What A Weekend

This weekend my little brother, Clark, came to San Antonio for a pharmaceutical convention. He finished up Sunday afternoon so we went and picked him up! He'd never been to visit us since Hannah and I moved here in 2003 so it was a treat to have him.

First order of business: make Mom's chocolate chip cookies!!

Jake, Bess and Sophie came over to hang out with us Sunday night. We had a great time, short-lived as it was. I took Clark by my office to see where I worked and we ate lunch with Chuck and Mary Nell and Grace.

As promised, here are a couple of photos of Hannah's new hamster, Tuesday. She has actually doubled her size. She slowed down to eat, so I was able to capture a few images.

Apparently she really enjoys blackberries.

Mom and Dad were nearly flooded back home this weekend--he's sent us many many images but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me add any more photos. I'll try and post tomorrow. Thank you, to all who prayed for their home. It was not flooded after all though the water did come all the way up to their front porch!

Oh also, next post I'll have photos from The SHINE Conference at ToL this past weekend AND photos of the set of "Alice In Wonderland". I TOLD you, it was a busy weekend!!

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