Monday, April 06, 2009

What A Weekend

This weekend my little brother, Clark, came to San Antonio for a pharmaceutical convention. He finished up Sunday afternoon so we went and picked him up! He'd never been to visit us since Hannah and I moved here in 2003 so it was a treat to have him.

First order of business: make Mom's chocolate chip cookies!!

Jake, Bess and Sophie came over to hang out with us Sunday night. We had a great time, short-lived as it was. I took Clark by my office to see where I worked and we ate lunch with Chuck and Mary Nell and Grace.

As promised, here are a couple of photos of Hannah's new hamster, Tuesday. She has actually doubled her size. She slowed down to eat, so I was able to capture a few images.

Apparently she really enjoys blackberries.

Mom and Dad were nearly flooded back home this weekend--he's sent us many many images but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me add any more photos. I'll try and post tomorrow. Thank you, to all who prayed for their home. It was not flooded after all though the water did come all the way up to their front porch!

Oh also, next post I'll have photos from The SHINE Conference at ToL this past weekend AND photos of the set of "Alice In Wonderland". I TOLD you, it was a busy weekend!!

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