Sunday After Christmas
It's 2 days after Christmas and my cousins Jamie and Mandy are here w/ their two girls, Ella (age 8) and Ruthie (age 4). We've had a great day with them. Clark is on his way w/ Anita and Eva, probably about an hour before they arrive.
Here are my cranberry almond tarts I made for Christmas dinner. Yum! yum! And above you see the wheat crescent rolls I made instead of Mom. I know they look great, but Mom's are a lot better. I had a lot of trouble with them. But they DID taste great!

Then my Jenny got there! Isn't she gorgeous? I love her so much.

Jenny got Hannah a gingerbread man decorating kit. She had fun making them while Poppa looked on.

Saturday, Evelyn gave me and Hannah hour-long massages. Oooohhh, it was so nice. She's a licensed massage therapist in north GA. Big Mama wanted a picture with Evelyn before she left for home.

Here's a shot of Ella giving Dad his flu shot. Ella wants to be a doctor when she grows up, which we all believe she will. It didn't really hurt that much.

Here's Ruthie! Ruthie is a hoot and a half. She says her favorite thing to do is "to play and never never have to clean up."

Jenna loves Ella and Ruthie! And they love her!

My bella Ella told me all about her Christmas morning while I clicked away with my new camera.

Hannah and Megan pushed Ruthie on the tire swing. She loved it.

Then, Aunt Jenny arrived with Eli to take Hannah and Megan to Wild Adventures Amusement Park. Eli is 4. He loved the firetruck we got him.

After they left, I asked the girls if they wanted a story. They LOVE stories. So, we began reading a very long version of "Beauty and the Beast."

Ruthie was so cute, snuggled against my shoulder. I was amazed that a four-year-old would be so quiet and attentive for so long! Then I heard a faint snore. I looked down, and saw her prone body, fast asleep. Photos, courtesy Jenna Lee.

Well that's all for now! I hope you all had a great Christmas with your family. We return to Texas early Tuesday morning.
Good night!
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