Sunday, February 07, 2010

Spend the Night

I am typing with my right hand, holding a slightly whiny infant with my left, while Izzy, age 2, asks me where Hannah is. It has literally taken me 3 hours to post this blog: editing the photos & uploading, then typing.

Welcome to having small children!!

My friend Amanda needed someone to keep her kids while she went up to Austin for the night. I volunteered to keep the smaller two. Sydni, age 6, went elsewhere. I figured it was a perfect chance to photo Josiah before he got too big. He's 4 months old. We got him around 7:30pm, but we had Izzy all Saturday afternoon.

Obviously a sunny day demands a visit to Landa Park. Izzy had a great time!
She loved the monkey bar.

Then we looked at the river...

Happy Josiah! He was so active I couldn't miss the chance to photograph him. He smiled & smiled at his big sister.

Just hanging out at bedtime.

They slept well! And I survived. :)

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